SaskTenders is the primary gateway for public sector tender notices for Saskatchewan. With hundreds of open competitions at any given time, SaskTenders is the best way to access public tender opportunities in Saskatchewan.
Mar 27, 2023
AVOID Late Bids - Email Submissions take time to transmit and be received.
The University of Saskatchewan, as represented by Procurement, is requesting Quotes for the provision of a Wheel Loader in accordance with the specifications and conditions stated in the Request for Quote documents. Request for Quote, addenda, and clarifications documents will be made available here
All respondents must register on the USask’s electronic bidding system at Bonfire. This will enable the respondent to download the competitive bid document, ask questions, receive addenda, and email notifications, and submit their bid through the bidding system.
Award notification will be posted here
Please direct enquiries to: Procurement University of Saskatchewan Bonfire
Documents not available for download see competition details for contact information and information on how to obtain documents.
The intent of this solicitation is to establish one or more contracts that include a comprehensive product offering with one or more suppliers that can accommodate a nationwide demand for Traffic Control Products and to fulfill obligations as nationwide suppliers to GPO Members as further specified herein. Please go to to review the RFSO details and documents. All Proposals must be uploaded to Bonfire by the closing date and time. Only Proposals received on or before the Submission Deadline set out in the RFSO Timetable will be evaluated. Respondents are cautioned that the timing of their Proposal submission is based on when the Proposal is received, not when the Proposal is submitted by a Respondent. Loading large documents may take significant time, depending on the size of the file(s) and your Internet connection speed. Respondents are advised to allocate sufficient time to upload documents and finalize their submissions prior to the Submission Deadline.
The University of Saskatchewan, as represented by Procurement, is requesting Proposals for the provision of Internet Service Providers in accordance with the specifications and conditions stated in the Request for Proposal documents.
Request for Proposal, addenda, and clarifications documents will be made available here
City of Moose Jaw is seeking qualified suppliers to submit a bid for the Request for Proposal (RFP) for 2025 Playground Renewal Program- Knights of Columbus Park
Proposals should be in submitted in electronic format to the email address: by the Closing Date of April 24, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time).
See attached documents for details.
Documents for this competition also can be found at
City of Moose Jaw is seeking qualified suppliers to submit a bid for the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consulting Services for the renovation of the library.
Proposals should be in submitted in electronic format to the email address: by the Closing Date of April 30, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time).
Moose Jaw will hold two (2) site walk-throughs at 461 Langdon Crescent, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0X6. Attendance to one (1) of the two (2) site walk-throughs is mandatory. The two (2) walk-through times are listed below:
a. April 15, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. (Central Standard Time)
b. April 22, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. (Central Standard Time)
Proponents shall request to attend one (1) of the walk-through times prior to April 14, 2025, and requests must be submitted to
The University of Saskatchewan (USask), as represented by Procurement, is requesting Proposals from contractors (proponents) who are a CFIA permitted waste disposal partner who can collect and also have proper disposal Services. All respondents must register on the USask’s electronic bidding system at bonfire. This will enable the respondent to download the competitive bid document, ask questions, receive addenda, and email notifications, and submit their bid through the bidding system.
Award notification will be posted here. Please direct enquiries to: Procurement University of Saskatchewan Bonfire
City of Moose Jaw is seeking qualified suppliers to submit a bid for the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the procurement of two Quarter-Ton Trucks and two One-Ton Trucks.
Proposals should be in submitted in electronic format to the email address: by the Closing Date of April 17, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time).
The R.M. of Excel No. 71 is accepting tenders for the supply of diesel fuel from April 15, 2025 until April 14, 2026. The diesel fuel tank is located at the municipal shop in Viceroy (NW 07-06-25-W2). The supplier shall maintain a near full level of diesel fuel in the tank.
Please clearly state the breakdown of the tender, including the discount on the regular price and any additional charges, ex. delivery fee. If applicable, make the effective date of the tender price April 1, 2025. The municipal fuel consumption over the past three years is as follows, in litres:
2022 63,938.50
2023 80,529.50
2024 68,255.21
An estimated 70,000 litres will be required for 2025. Delivery slips must be provided with invoices.
Tenders will be accepted until 4 p.m. on April 3, 2025 and can be dropped off at the municipal office in Viceroy or submitted by mail, email, or fax.The tenders will be opened at the April Regular Meeting of Council on April 8th.
The following criteria will be taken into consideration:
Distance from R.M. shop
Reviews from references
The R.M. reserves the right to accept or reject all or any tenders received. The lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Pharmacy Services to Lakeside Manor Care Home-Saltcoats, Saskatchewan including any services provided under the guidelines of the special care home guidelines within Saskatchewan Health Authority.
See below for the list of Long Term Care Home details.
Lakeside Manor Care Home, 101 Crescent Lake Road, Saltcoats, SK, S0A 3R0 - 30Beds
Equipment required:
- 1 medication cart with narcotic lock box - Medication organization system for med room - 1 laptop if eMAR proposed - 1 electronic pill crusher - Narcotic waste storage container - The preferred medication dispensing method for Lakeside Manor Care Home is strip packaging. Packaging method required needs to separate narcotics and benzodiazepine (controlled medications) from regularly scheduled medications - Lakeside Manor Care Home is not currently using eMAR but will be required in the future.
Submissions clearly marked "COR7232 - Sweeper Broom Material", in the header line, will be received by the City of Regina, via email at, no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, on Tuesday, April 22, 2025.
City of Regina - Civic Fleet Maintenance Branch is looking to enter into a multi-year contract with a qualified supplier for 'Sweeper Broom Material' on an "as required' basis.
This vital equipment assists the City's Roadways and Transportation Department with completion of the Spring/Fall area sweeping program throughout Regina surroundings.
Unless otherwise indicated, and subject to applicable exceptions and exclusions, this procurement is covered by:
•Chapter 5 of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement
•Chapter 19 of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
•Article 14 of the New West Partnership Trade Agreement
There will not be a public opening however the list of firm names who submitted a response will be posted to the Sasktenders website.
2012 G970 Motor-Grader for sale by tender. Well maintained. Please see tender package attached.
The 2012 G970 Volvo Motor Grader being offer for tender has the following
- No DEF Fluid
- 20.5x25 BKT/Westlake Tires – Front tires 90% tread left; Rear tires 30% tread left
- Full Joystick and Steering Wheel
- Plumbed to accommodate a Capital I Snow Wing
- Full light package
- Back-up Camera
- Front & Rear Wheel Fenders
- Factory 16-foot mold board
Sealed Tenders Marked:
Will be received until 2:00 P.M., local time, Friday, April 18, 2025.
Electronically at:
BAR Engineering Co. Ltd. 780.875.1683
The Work generally consists of removal and replacement of an existing roof-top Makeup Air Unit (MAU) and associated mechanical, electrical and roofing modifications. • On site inspection of existing MAU and related systems. • Removal of existing MAU and curb. • Installation of new MAU and curb including patching and repair of roofing. • Associated electrical systems modifications including new breaker, feeder and disconnect for new MAU. • Startup, testing, balancing and commissioning of new MAU and controls. • Training of Owner staff for operation and maintenance of the new system.
A MANDATORY pre-tender site meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 @ 10:00 am. Tenders submitted by bidders that do not attend the mandatory site visit will not be accepted. The Tender submission must be accompanied by a Certificate of Recognition or copy of the Bidder’s safety program and policy as described in the “Instructions to Bidders” The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders or to accept the Tender deemed to be most favourable to The Owner, as described in the “Instructions to Bidders” For more information, please contact
BAR Engineering Co. Ltd., Buildings Division, Jordan Youngs at (780) 875-1683.
The intent of this Bid call is to obtain an offer from prequalified Bidders to perform work to develop a new Kindergarten to Grade 8 (K-8) Public and Catholic School with shared common area, City of Regina (CoR) Recreation (City Recreation) space and Child Care Facility within the Harbour Landing neighbourhood development in Regina, Saskatchewan for a Stipulated Price contract, in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Pre-Qualified General Contractors
Pre-Qualified Sub-Trade Contractors Mechanical Contractors:
Electrical Contractors:
City of Moose Jaw is seeking qualified suppliers to submit a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the 2025 Grass Cutting Services.
Proposals should be in submitted in electronic format to the email address: by the Closing Date of April 11, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time).
The Saskatchewan Health Authority (hereinafter in these Lease Proposal Documents called the "SHA" or "Tenant") invites proposals for the lease of clinical space in the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
The major work items for this tender include: - Demolition and disposal of an existing two span timber bridge with timber deck including removal of piles to 1.5 m below grade. The timber stringers and caps shall be carefully salvaged and delivered to the Owners yard in Armley, SK; - Installation of driven steel pipe piles including Separate Price #1 - Pile Dynamic Analysis Testing of the piles. - Placement of concrete for piles and installation of precast concrete abutment caps and girders; - Excavation, loading, and hauling of cohesive clay and granular materials to the site. - Reinforced granular backfill as required for construction of lock block abutments and wing walls; - Embankment excavation and regrading and erosion control installation including rip-rap, seeding, and erosion control blankets; - Fabrication and installation of bridge rails and approach rails; and - Roadwork to increase the road elevation and re-grade the road approaches and ditches on either side of the bridge as shown on the drawings.
Submissions marked "RM No. 457 – Bridge Replacement over Unnamed Creek South of Ridgedale (NE 08-47-15 W2M), Tender Number RM457-25-01" will be received by the Rural Municipality of Connaught, via email, no later than 2:00 P.M. Central Standard Time, Thursday, April 24th, 2025.
A video conference pre-submission meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams regarding this competition on April 10th, 2025, at 10:00:00 am, CST(SK) for any interested bidders. Please email the contact noted in the Instructions for Procurement Part 3, to request an invitation to the online meeting, by April 9th, 2025, at 5:00:00 pm, CST.
Tenders must be accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Bid Bond or certified cheque in the amount of 5% of the Total Payable by Owner listed in Section 00 41 13, Bid Form – Stipulated Price, payable to the Rural Municipality of Connaught and a Consent of Surety to furnish a Performance Bond and Labour and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of 50% of the tendered price. A completed copy of CCDC 11 shall also accompany individual tenders if required as outlined in Section 00 20 00 - Instructions for Procurement, Part 15.2. The lowest of any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Bid results will be posted to SaskTenders following review and acceptance by the RM.
The City of Saskatoon is seeking a vendor for the Supply of High Mast LED Fixtures.
Solicitation documents for this procurement can be found on
All respondents must register on the City’s electronic bidding system at This will enable the respondent to download the solicitation document, ask questions, receive addenda and email notifications, and submit their bid through the bidding system.
Award notification will be posted to
Submission Deadline: 2:00:59 p.m. Saskatchewan Time, Friday, April 11, 2025.
Contractor will be used to remove all insulation in the attic containing asbestos and re-insulate the attic to code.
A mandatory site meeting has been scheduled for April 3, 2025 at 1:00 PM, Main Entrance. All Bidders are required to attend the site meeting in order to familiarize themselves with the work site and the true extent of the work. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all necessary information regarding the work site prior to preparing and submitting Bids. Pre-register for site meeting via email to Katie Wiederhold at one day prior to site meeting.
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The SHA is expecting to meet the dates: Date: Post ITT March 27 Mandatory Site Meeting Yes- April 3, 2025 at 1:00 PM, Main Entrance Last day for EQUIVALENTS/ALTERNATES April 11th Last day for INQUIRIES April 11th Last day for ADDENDA April 15th Closing Date April 17th Evaluation/Recommendation to Award April 24th Letter of Intent April 25th Contract Signing May 2nd
Tenders will be received by the Rural Municipality until 10:00 a.m. Central Standard Time on April 11, 2025 for the reconstruction of 6.5 kilometers of Grid Road.
Provide construction services in connection with SHA lab renovation project at Watrous District Health Complex in Watrous, SK.
A mandatory site meeting has been scheduled for April 3rd, 2025 at 2 PM. All Bidders are required to attend the site meeting in order to familiarize themselves with the work site and the true extent of the work. Bidders who attended the site visit on January 16th, 2025 at 2 PM are not required to attend again, but are expected to RSVP as “already attended January 16th, 2025”. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all necessary information regarding the work site prior to preparing and submitting Bids. Pre-register for site meeting via email to by 3 PM one day prior to site meeting.
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The SHA is expecting to meet the dates: Date: Post ITT March 27th, 2025 Mandatory Site Meeting April 3rd , 2025 at 2 PM – pre-register one day in advance. Last day for EQUIVALENTS/ALTERNATES April 8th, 2025 Last day for INQUIRIES April 10th , 2025 Last day for ADDENDA April 15th, 2025 Closing Date April 17th, 2025 at 1 PM Evaluation/Recommendation to Award Week of April 22nd, 2025 Letter of Intent Week of April 28th, 2025 Contract Signing Week of April 28th, 2025
The City of Lloydminster (City) is accepting submissions from qualified Vendors interested in completing a traffic impact assessment for the proposed network included as part of the City’s Northeast Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NE NSP).
For Bid Documents, Addenda and email notifications, please visit and register for the Bid using the following link:
Registration on BidsandTenders is free for City of Lloydminster opportunities. The City of Lloydminster cannot verify accuracy for advertisements for this Bid on third party sites.
The Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 will be accepting tenders for the supply of a New Premium Tractor with basic specifications shown below and subject to the conditions noted.
TENDERS will be accepted until 9:00 am, on April 10, 2025 at the Municipal Office, 39 L.E. Gibbons Centre Street, Neilburg, Saskatchewan Tenders will be accepted through one of the following: In Person: 39 Centre Street, Neilburg, SK Mail: Box 53, Neilburg, SK S0M 2C0 E-mail: Fax: 306-823-4477
TENDERS will be opened at the April 10, 2025 meeting at 11:00 am.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For more information, please call or email Public Works Coordinator, Karrie Blackbeard 306-823-4321 /
Tractor Minimum Requirements
• Front Wheel Assist - 150 HP and a 170 HP Model • Front Axle Suspension • Tire Size – Front 540/65R28, Rear – 650/65R38 • IVT or CVT Transmission • Cab Suspension, Premium Package Cab • 3 Point Hitch • 3 Hydraulic Remotes • Equip for Beacon Installation • Estimated Delivery Date of Tractor to RM Shop in Neilburg
Tenders Must Include:
• Specifications • Terms and conditions • Total price with breakdown of taxes and delivery • Warranty & Service information details and pricing - Price for Extended Coverage, Deductible and Charges for Call Out • Estimated delivery date of grader to RM Shop in Neilburg • Supporting documents (ex. Brochures) Tenders shall only be accepted from suppliers that maintain a full heavy-duty mechanical service in the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 area.
The successful bidder will provide the following services for GEC, located at 11902 Railway Ave E, North Battleford, SK S9A 3K7, on an “as needed and when requested” basis:
1. Preventative Maintenance Services.
2.. Annual SGI safety inspections (Shuttle Buses Only).
3. Repair Services.
4.. Value added Service Options.
The Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 will be accepting tenders for the supply of a new motor grader with basic specifications shown below and subject to the conditions noted, which includes the acceptance of a used/pre-owned motor grader on trade.
TENDERS will be accepted until 9:00 am, on April 10, 2025 at the Municipal Office, 39 L.E. Gibbons Centre Street, Neilburg, Saskatchewan
Tenders will be accepted through one of the following: In Person: 39 Centre Street, Neilburg, SK Mail: Box 53, Neilburg, SK S0M 2C0 E-mail: Fax: 306-823-4477
TENDERS will be opened at the April 10, 2025 meeting at 10:30 am.
Grader Requirements • NEW 2025 current production model • 6-wheel drive • 280 or 300 HP • 16-foot one-piece moldboard • High visible LED Blue & Amber beacon • Front and Rear Fenders • 2 Auxiliary Hydraulic Functions (7 Left Hand & 7 Right Hand) - Hydraulic must accommodate for wing and front attachments • include 3 wing valves installed as an option (2 plumbed to rear of machine and 1 at mid-point) • do NOT include ripper/scarifier
Trade Grader • 2018 John Deere 872G Grader with approx. 7,500 hours
Appointments to view the Grader can be made through Public Works Coordinator, Karrie Blackbeard 306-823-4321
Tenders Must Include: • Specifications • Terms and conditions • Total price with breakdown of taxes and delivery • Warranty & Service information details and pricing • Estimated delivery date of grader to RM Shop in Neilburg • Supporting documents (ex. Brochures)
Tenders shall only be accepted from suppliers that maintain a full heavy-duty mechanical service in the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 area.
As the City of Prince Albert approaches the expiration of its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, it is crucial to ensure that our city’s future direction remains responsive to the evolving needs of its residents, businesses, and stakeholders. The City of Prince Albert seeks to hire a consultant to lead the development of a new strategic plan, and provide ongoing renewal, implementation, and evaluation services to ensure the plan’s success.
Competition documents for this procurement can be downloaded at All respondents must register on the City’s electronic bidding system at Registration is free and will enable the respondent to download the solicitation document, ask questions, receive addenda, and submit their bid through the bidding system.
The City seeks Parking Enforcement Assistance to enforce temporary no-parking zones, ensuring streets remain clear for comprehensive cleaning during the Spring and Fall Street Sweeping Programs.
The City of Swift Current (the “City”) is inviting contractors to submit proposals for the provision of Pavement Maintenance within the City of Swift Current for 2025. The option to award the full or partial contract is at the City’s sole discretion.
City of Moose Jaw is seeking qualified suppliers to submit a bid for the 2025 Recycled Concrete Stockpile Tender.
Proposals should be in submitted in electronic format to the email address: by the Closing Date of April 15, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time).
City of Moose Jaw is seeking qualified suppliers to submit a bid for the 2025 Stockpile Materials Tender
Proposals should be in submitted in electronic format to the email address: by the Closing Date of April 16, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time).
This invitation to tender is posted on behalf of the Rockin Beach Regional Park Board.
The project includes upgrading/renovating an existing facility to a shower house/washroom facility. Approximately 6 toilets, 2 shower stalls, and 2 sink basins. Men/Women's sides, wheelchair accessible.
The project is located at Rockin Beach Regional Park in RM #12 Poplar Valley, 10km east of Rockglen, SK.
The Rockin Beach Reginal Park Board is seeking a General Contractor to complete the following:
A copy of an up-to-date clearance certificate of letter of good standing with the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation board is to be included with the tender submission. Payment of Sask. WCB premium is the responsibility of the subcontractor.
Electrical, and Plumbing permits to be included in each tender.
A Copy of liability insurance must be provided.
The Board is looking for the total project to be completed by March 1, 2026.
Lowest tender or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Please call 306-476-7738 or 306-291-9000 for more information, questions, pictures, or site inspection.
Respondents and their representatives shall not contact the RM Of Poplar Valley #12 administration or employees.
Any questions related to this tender must be submitted by email to the address
Site Visits can be arranged by contacting the email address or calling 306-476-7738 or 306-291-9000.
SGI intends to solicit and award a sole source contract for Insurance Brokerage Knowledge Sharing Platformon the basis that only one supplier is able to meet SGI’s requirements for this procurement as outlined in the Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) document.
This competition is available on Bonfire, and all amendments, addenda, clarifications, and further instructions will also be posted on Bonfire.
Documents can be viewed and downloaded at
The City of Swift Current (the “City”) is inviting contractors to submit proposals for the provision of road paving construction within the City of Swift Current for 2025. The option to award the full or partial contract is at the City’s sole discretion.
This Request for Information (RFI) is issued by the eHealth Saskatchewan (eHealth) for the purposes of gathering information about the marketplace in order to assist in the determination of future purchasing options or requirements for a job evaluation system, as further described in the RFI document.
The City of Swift Current (the “City”) is inviting contractors to submit proposals for the provision of sidewalk construction within the City of Swift Current for 2025. The option to award the full or partial contract is at the City’s sole discretion.
The Government of Saskatchewan (GOS) and the Ministry of Highways (HI) intends to continue to contract with VEMAX Management Inc., for the Asset and Maintenance Management System Application. This intention is on the basis that they are the only supplier able to provide the software that meets HI’s business requirements for this procurement.
The University of Regina is seeking a Contractor to refinish the wood floors in Gym 2 (CK117) and possibly Gym 1 (CK122) if timelines and budget permits in the Centre for Kinesiology, Health and Sport (CKHS) located on the Main Campus (3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2).
Documents can also be found at
The City of Swift Current is requesting proposals on a new Large Rotary Mower.
Audit Services
The RM of Edenwold No. 158 is interested in obtaining tenders for the application of a 50mm Hot Mix Asphaltic Cement Overlay in Bridlewood Estates located in NE¼ 19- 17-17-W2M in the RM of Edenwold. The approximate surface area of the overlay required is 10,272 square metres. This work shall be completed no later than September 30, 2025.
Construction of a new elementary school that will serve the King George, Pleasant Hill and Princess Alexandra School communities. Through community, partner and stakeholder engagement a school design has been developed to provide an innovative and culturally inspired education environment for up to 400 pre-k to grade 8 students along with 74 new childcare spaces.
Building Area: 3020 sq. m. Building Height: 3 Storeys, 14m Mass Timber Construction (alternative solution for combustible construction) Sprinklered
The University of Regina is seeking the reupholstery of lounge furniture in various locations across campus, to be completed over the span of one (1) year.
The University is committed to the inclusion of Indigenous people and businesses to support the growth of a better workforce and more vibrant communities. With this vision in mind, the University seeks to partner with Vendors that will not only deliver exceptional value through their products and services but will also drive positive impact through Indigenous communities.
For the replacement of approximately 966 meters of water main, replacement of approximately 61 water and sewer service connections, resurfacing work. The work will start June 2, 2025. Construction must be completed no later than August 26, 2025.
Submission Deadline: 2:00:59 p.m. Saskatchewan Time, Wednesday, April 16, 2025.
The work genreally comprises of the following projects: o Main Street from Eleventh Avenue to Seventh Avenue: Road reconstruction and vertical curb and gutter replacement. o Phillips Court: Road reconstruction o 12th Avenue Resurfacing o Hot Mix Asphalt Patching throughout the Town of Kindersley o Concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk removal and replacement throughout the Town of Kindersley o Construction of Parking Area at Highway 7/21 intersection
Emails containing Bids with the Subject Line “BID: COMPANY – 2025 Main Street Reconstruction and 12th Avenue Resurfacing” shall be received by the Town of Kindersley by email to: before 2:00 p.m., local time, on April 16, 2025
Electronic bid and hard copy submissions will be accepted.
Bids must be accompanied by Bid Security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Bid Price, payable to Town of Kindersley. Failure to provide Bid Security will be a factor taken into account when awarding the contract.
Inquiries regarding this Project shall be directed to: AECOM Canada ULC 200 – 2100 8th Street East Saskatoon, SK S7H 0V1 Attention: Riley Houle, P.Eng. Telephone: (306) 281-5002 Email:
The Work generally consists of crack sealing of all asphalt concrete pavement roadways within the R.M. of Eldon No. 471 (RM), including the airport taxiway, to improve asphalt concrete pavement waterproofing. In 2022, the RM cold-pour crack sealed 212,735 lineal meters of cracks. The most recent Crack Seal Program in 2023 included approximately 174,000 lineal meters of hot-pour crack sealing over 103 kilometers of paved road in the RM. No cracks were filled in 2024. The 2025 Crack Seal Program will include approximately 126 kilometres of paved road, as well as the Maidstone Airport runway, requiring hot-pour crack sealing. Please see the attachment for more information.
Electronically sent tenders for the Siding Replacement at various units in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, will be received at The Battlefords Housing Authority email address at:, until 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, April 17, 2025. Bids shall be made on the Bid Form provided and submitted as a single PDF in electronic format.
Sealed hardcopy tenders will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, April 17, 2025, at The Battlefords Housing Authority, 831 104th Street, North Battleford, Sk. S9A 4B2. This will be a private tender opening.
Tenders $100,000.00 and over shall be accompanied by an electronic copy of a Bid Bond in an amount not less than 10% of the Tender Price written in the name of the Owner. The successful contractor will be expected to supply the original Bid Bond prior to the award of the contract. Certified cheque will NOT be accepted as bid security.
Copies of the Tender Documents may be obtained from The Battlefords Housing Authority at (306) 445-4393.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Owner reserves the right to reject tenders from parties without reasonable acquaintance with the class of work specified. An approved contractor application must be completed, and evidence of competency shall be provided if requested. These reservations shall apply equally to subcontractors.
The Resort Village of Candle Lake (RVCL) is seeking proposals for replacing a 2009 E50 Mini Excavator unit to address the growing needs of our community. RVCL currently maintains drainage, snow removal, vegetation control and various other tasks throughout the year.
RFP documents can also be found at
Tenders will be received by the Rural Municipality until 10:00am CST on April 8, 2025 for 4.9km of clay capping.
The Rural Integrated Roads for Growth (RIRG) Program and the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) are offering the Bridge and Large Diameter Culvert Initiative that provided funding assistance to Rural Municipalities (RMs) for the replacement of existing bridges and large diameter culverts.
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) – Municipal Bridge Services (SMBS) provides RMs with engineering services including technical expertise and the provision of design and tender documents required to build new bridges through the Bridge and Large Diameter Culvert Initiative.
Bridge construction projects managed by the SMBS requires construction supervision by qualified personnel.
The successful Consultant will have the opportunity to provide their services to each RM completing a RIRG bridge project that is scheduled to be completed in the 2025-26 fiscal year as described in this Request for Proposal (RFP).
The agreement for services provided by the successful Consultant for construction supervision of the bridge projects shall be between the RM and the Consultant.
The successful Consultant will understand that the proposed RIRG bridge projects are currently in the process of award to the Contractor and are not yet guaranteed to proceed.
ONLY the Consultants that have obtained the “Pre-Qualified” status for “Constr. Admin Bridges” on the current version of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways' “Registry of Pre-Qualified Consultants” (100-09 Pre-Qualification Registry) shall be qualified to submit a proposal to SMBS. The current version of the "Registry" is attached to this competition for reference.
Interested Consultants that meet the "Pre-Qualified" status shall contact Daniel Segal via email to to request the Request for Proposal Documents. Consultants that have not been pre-qualified for "Constr. Admin Bridges" by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways will not be provided the Request for Proposal Documents.