Submissions clearly marked "COR6893 - Transit Uniform Outerwear ", in the header line, will be received by the City of Regina, via email at, no later than 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.
The City requires firm pricing for the supply and delivery of the following uniform outerwear for the Transit Operations branch:
- Package 1 - Fleece Jacket
- Package 2 - Wind Jacket
- Package 3 - Winter Jacket
The expectation is that the uniform clothing will have exceptional material performance and comfort for both male and female Transit bus operators. The City prefers that the uniform clothing be part of the proponent's regular stock for ease of ordering on as 'as required' basis.
Unless otherwise indicated, and subject to applicable exceptions and exclusions, this procurement is covered by:
•Chapter 5 of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement
•Chapter 19 of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
•Article 14 of the New West Partnership Trade Agreement
There will not be a public opening however the list of firm names who submitted a response will be posted to the Sasktenders website.