Architectural Consulting Services for Municipal Projects -- RFP2024CS001

The City seeks to retain the services of an experienced architectural firm and enter into a Master Services Agreement to provide necessary consulting services to support the delivery of various municipal projects, including, but not limited to, the design of new municipal facilities, renovation/retrofit of existing facilities, site planning, environmental building assessments, greenhouse gas reduction feasibility studies, grant application support, and building code analysis.

The City welcomes proposals from professional architectural firms (lead) with applicable subconsultants possessing professional expertise in any of the areas mentioned above that are beyond the firm's core competencies.

Pursuant to the Master Agreement as, the City and the Proponent shall enter into Service Schedule(s) for the provision of assignment-specific Deliverables in accordance with the form in Appendix C or an equivalent document such as the RAIC Document 6 - Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services (Current Year). Please note that each project may involve less tasks than listed or additional tasks that will be reviewed and negotiated between the City and the successful Proponent.

Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
Award Documents:
Award Details
 Jul 18, 2024 09:52 AM CST
 Apr 02, 2024 12:00 PM CST
 May 09, 2024 04:00 PM CST
Adam Homes
Response Address
City of Melfort
Box 2230
Melfort, SK, Canada
S0E 1A0
Competition Information
City of Melfort
Architectural Consulting Services for Municipal Projects
Request for Proposal
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Jul 26, 2024 10:24 PM CST