Wildlife Survey - Lagoon Expansion -- 2025A-01110

Proposals are invited from qualified persons or firms to provide a comprehensive on-site wildlife survey for a proposed sewage lagoon expansion for the Northern Village of Sandy Bay. Submissions will be received at the office of the Consulting Engineer up to 5:00 pm CST, Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 and will be reviewed immediately thereafter.

The project site is comprised approximately 41.2 ha of land. The land for the lagoon expansion is currently undeveloped. The wildlife survey shall provide a comprehensive review of the site and identify any Species at Risk that may be impacted by clearing and subsequent construction activities. The survey and reporting shall observe and reference the Saskatchewan Wildlife Act, Environmental Management and Protection Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, and the Species at Risk Act. Species of particular interest include the pileated woodpecker and the woodland caribou.

Proposals shall include:

.1     Brief introduction of the person or firm and related experience in conducting similar studies;

.2     Detailed work plan specifically related to the onsite surveys, including expected duration of the field investigation, observation or locating techniques, classification, mapping / geo-referencing capabilities, and safety procedures.

.3     Proposed reporting format and details, including examples of similar work if available.

.4     Detailed project schedule and related fees, inclusive of all travel and disbursements.

The onsite survey work must be complete by February 24th, 2025. Preliminary results of the survey to be provided immediately thereafter for planning purposes. Final report to be provided no later than March 3rd, 2025.

All field activities and reporting must be overseen by a qualified person in this field of practice. 

The Village reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any or all proposals, or accept the proposal deemed most favourable in the interest of the Village.  The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.

Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
 Jan 23, 2025 05:00 PM CST
 Jan 10, 2025 11:15 AM CST
 Jan 23, 2025 05:00 PM CST
Kevin Traves
Response Address
BCL Engineering Ltd.
Attn: Kevin Traves, P.Eng.
200 - 302 Wellman Lane
Saskatoon, SK S7T 0J1
Competition Information
Saskatchewan Water Corporation
Wildlife Survey - Lagoon Expansion
Request for Proposal
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Feb 05, 2025 08:02 AM CST