RM of Lacadena Landfill Decomissioning -- WM2023-001

Sealed tenders marked “RM of Lacadena – Landfill Decommission” will be received up to 3:00pm (local time), Thursday 22 June 2021.  Mailed, emailed, couriered, facsimile or hand delivered submissions will be accepted, provided they arrive at the office of WaterMark Consulting Ltd. prior to Tender Closing.  Office information is provided below.

Address: 1601B McAra Street
Regina, SK
S4N 6H4

Attn: Anna Gagnon, P.Eng.
Phone: 306.565.0091
Fax: 306.565.0092
email: agagnon@watermarkconsulting.net


The work includes the following work tasks:

  • Removal & disposal of the existing perimeter fence;
  • Construction of engineered cover system over this historic landfill footprint, comprised of (in order of placement):
    • a 600 mm compacted clay layer,
    • a 500 mm loose soil layer,
    • a 50 mm topsoil layer,
    • Vegetated with a mixed grass seed.
    • Cover materials will be sourced from a borrow pit occurring immediately adjacent the landfill property
      • Silt (designated for the loose soil layer) naturally occurs to depth of about 4.0 m;
      • Lacustrine Clay (designated for the compacted clay layer) naturally occurs below 4.0 m depth. 
    • Earth volumes are estimated in the order of 8,400 m3 for the compacted clay layer, 7,000 m3 for the loose clay layer and 800 m3 for the topsoil layer. 
  • Installation of a new perimeter fence;
  • Surfacing a roadway and working pad on the final cover surface; and
  • Construction of a runoff diversion ditch to drain an existing pond. 

Tender documents may be obtained from the Consultant upon receipt of a non-refundable etransfer payment to the following:

Etransfer value:  $50.00
Etransfer email:  agagnon@watermarkconsulting.net
Password:  lacadena
Contractor Information:  in separate accompanying email please forward Contractor Name & Address, Contact Name, and Phone Numbers

A Site Inspection may be completed between 1:30pm and 4:30pm 31 May, 01 June, 07 June or 08 June of 2023.  The s

Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
 Jun 22, 2023 03:05 PM CST
 May 26, 2023 11:00 AM CST
 Jun 22, 2023 03:00 PM CST
Carrie Jansen
Response Address
Rural Municipality of Lacadena No 228
Box 610
Kyle , SK, Canada
S0L 1T0
Competition Information
Rural Municipality of Lacadena No. 228
RM of Lacadena Landfill Decomissioning
Invitation to Tender
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Jul 27, 2024 02:57 AM CST