2025 Gravel Supply & Haul Tender
The RM of Spalding No. 368 is requesting tenders for loading, hauling and stockpiling 5000 yds of road gravel from the Hamel gravel yard which is located near Barrier Ford, east of Archerwill to NW 2-39-16-W2 along Grid 756.
The tender must include breakdown of costs, list of equipment/machinery that will be used, copy of insurance coverage and WCB. The hauler will be responsible for all road maintenance agreements.
Please provide an estimate on when you will be available to start work.
Tenders must be received by 4:00 pm on Friday, January 3, 2025.
Tender must be clearly marked 2025 Gravel Hauling Tender and can be submitted by fax, email, mail or in person.
Submit tenders to:
RM of Spalding No. 368
Box 10
Spalding, SK S0K 4C0
Fax: (306) 872-2275
Email: rm368@sasktel.net
All tenders will be opened and reviewed at the next Council Meeting after the deadline to tender has expired. Lowest or any bids not necessarily accepted. The RM of Spalding No. 368 reserves the right to refuse or reject any bids and will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the provider in preparing a bid.
The awarded tender will not be announced until a decision of council is made. The awarded contractor will be contacted via phone and will receive a Tender Acceptance Letter at the Administrators earliest convenience.