6256 Chlorine Booster Station -- COR-RFP-6256

The City receives its primary supply of potable water from the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant (BPWTP), located approximately 60 km northwest of the City. The facility provides potable water to the cities of Regina and Moose Jaw as well as surrounding towns, villages, and rural customers.

Periodically, disruptions occur in the supply of potable water from BPWTP and the City relies on storage reservoirs as well as a back-up groundwater supply system for water supply supplementation. The City operates groundwater wells in the Regina Aquifer (West Well Field) and in the Zenher Aquifer (Boggy Creek Well Field) to supplement water supply when the BPWTP is unable to meet demands. Groundwater from these two sources is considered non-GUDI groundwater; therefore, the only additional treatment necessary is disinfection.  Currently, well water is disinfected as it enters the distribution system at either the North Pumping Station (NPS), the North Zone Pumping Station (NZPS) (West Well Field), or the Farrell Pumping Station (FPS) (Boggy Creek Well Field). In each station, chlorine is injected into the pump suction piping and therefore has limited contact time prior to the first point of consumption within the distribution system.

A chlorine boosting system will be implemented for the well source to ensure water quality standards are being met through adequate CT disinfection prior to supplementary water distribution.

The complete installation and commissioning of this Project must be completed by December 8, 2024. Describe your company’s project organization and management strategies to meet this deadline.

Provide a preliminary Project schedule based on the Work outlined in this RFP. Include estimates of start date, finish date, and duration for each major task. Indicate any scheduling milestones and potential time constraints. Appendix E includes a basic Schedule Example format and Site Supervision Form.

Indicate what back-up measures will be used to recover schedule slippage and how they will be implemented. Also, indicate how progress will be measured and how schedule slippage will be identified.

Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
 Sep 16, 2024 04:02 PM CST
 Jul 09, 2024 02:00 PM CST
 Sep 05, 2024 02:00 PM CST
Qaisar Jamal
Response Address
City of Regina, Procurement Branch
2476 Victoria Avenue, 5th Floor, PO Box 1790
Regina, SK, Canada
S4P 3C8
Competition Information
City of Regina
6256 Chlorine Booster Station
Request for Proposal
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Oct 21, 2024 08:57 PM CST