Engineering Pre-Qualification -- SPSA2023-007

This Request for Supplier Qualifications (“RFSQ”) is an invitation by the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (“the Agency”) to prospective Proponents to qualify in accordance with Evaluation of Submission (Part 2) for eligibility to provide Professional Engineering Services to the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) as further described in the RFSQ Particulars (Appendix A) (the “Deliverables”).

PDAP is a financial assistance program provided by the Agency. Assistance is available to eligible claimants who own property in Saskatchewan where a designation has been approved by the Agency in connection with a specific natural disaster event. The assistance would be a result of substantial loss or damage to uninsurable, essential property.

Typical disasters where assistance would be provided to claimants include flooding, tornadoes, plow winds, and severe weather conditions. Assistance is provided to a broad range of claimants including individuals, municipalities, small businesses, agricultural operations, and non-profit organizations. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the disaster event, civil engineer, structural engineer, and geo-technical engineer expertise may be required.

Proponents are invited to provide submissions, in accordance with terms, conditions and proposal Submission format as specified in this RFSQ, for the qualification of one (1) or more of the following categories of services as further described in the RDSQ particulars (Appendix A) (the “Deliverables”):

1) Civil Engineering

2) Structural Engineering

3) Geo-Technical Engineering 

No additional information for this competition.
Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
Award Documents:
Award Details
 Sep 11, 2023 02:13 PM CST
 May 26, 2023 12:00 AM CST
 Jun 09, 2023 02:00 PM CST
Melanie Bannerman
Response Address
Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency - Prince Albert
Box 5005, 2120 Central Ave N.
Prince Albert, SK, Canada
S6V 6W9
Competition Information
Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency
Engineering Pre-Qualification
Request for Pre-Qualification
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