Design – Grading and Surfacing - Design of Highway 4 (CS 4-18) -- HWY-230046-SFRFP

SFRFP 230046

Design of Highway 4 (CS 4-18)

Project Description: Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways is planning construction on Highway No. 4 from its junction with Highway No. 55 to 30.56 km North. The total combined project length is approximately 30.56 km. Engineering services are required for the surfacing and grading design, and tender package preparation.

Category of Work: Design – Surfacing; Design – Grading

Prequalified Consultants being held in a probationary status at time of competition close and evaluation, should reference the Professional Services Procurement Manual - PSPM 100-04 for additional information pertaining to their eligibility to participate in this competition. For questions regarding a Consultants status, contact the competition contact indicated in SFRFP 230046

Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
Award Documents:
Award Details
WSP E&I Canada Ltd
Saskatoon, SK
Aug 03, 2023
 Aug 03, 2023 08:56 AM CST
 Jun 08, 2023 04:15 PM CST
 Jun 30, 2023 02:00 PM CST
SBP Consultants
Response Address
Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement
Competition Information
Design – Grading and Surfacing - Design of Highway 4 (CS 4-18)
Request for Proposal
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Jul 26, 2024 09:19 PM CST