Slot and Marketing Data Analytics Solution -- 23-111523-RFP-SIGA
This Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) seeks a proponent that can provide an established, “out-of-the-box”, Cloud-based Slot and Marketing Data Analytics Solution. The purpose of the solution is for the optimization of Land-based casino Slot machines with potential for reporting on iGaming data as well.The Solution will operate within a highly regulated environment and includes all of SIGAs’ seven (7) land-based casinos.
The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) is soliciting Proposals from highly qualified Proponents to provide an established Analytical and BI slot and marketing enterprise reporting platform. The platform will ultimately replace, where applicable many reporting systems into a single reporting platform. SIGA currently has two thousand, five hundred and seventy (2,570) slot machines throughout the seven (7) casino locations. The turnkey solution should have the ability to respond and provide support to services on a continuous, ongoing, uninterrupted service that is available 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The key service indicators will include, but are not limited to software is to be ready for customized, integrated, and implemented for SIGA reporting and analysis, out-of-the-box.
Provide a general overview of your turnkey Solution for a Slot and marketing/patron data optimization platform.This initial overview should include discovery phase, implementation, management, reporting, training, on-going support, service level agreements and disaster recovery, with each concept to be detailed within the Proponent response.
Dec 08, 2023 02:04 PM CST
Nov 24, 2023 03:15 PM CST
Dec 08, 2023 02:00 PM CST
Rebecca Millard
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
103 Aspen Place
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
S7N 1K4
Competition Information
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
Slot and Marketing Data Analytics Solution
Request for Proposal
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