CORE Line Pipe - Advance Contract Award Notice -- SX6993


SaskEnergy Incorporated (SaskEnergy) intends to seek sole supply of dual containment (pipe-in-pipe system) pipeline product from CORE Linepipe, Calgary, AB, on the basis that they are the only supplier able to provide equipment that meets SaskEnergy’ s requirements as given.

Invitation to Respond

Suppliers that consider themselves able to meet the requirements identified in the Scope of Work section below can challenge this action by submitting a written statement of the capabilities that clearly demonstrates how they meet these requirements. All statements of capabilities that are received will be evaluated to determine if one or more suppliers are capable of meeting the requirements.

No additional information for this competition.
Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
Award Documents:
Award Details
CORE Linepipe
Calgary, AB
Dec 21, 2023
 Jan 11, 2024 11:46 AM CST
 Dec 01, 2023 02:15 PM CST
 Dec 08, 2023 02:00 PM CST
Brent Hales
Response Address
SaskEnergy Incorporated
300-1777 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK, Canada
S4P 4K5
Competition Information
SaskEnergy Incorporated
CORE Line Pipe - Advance Contract Award Notice
Advanced Contract Award Notice
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Jul 27, 2024 12:57 AM CST