The R.M. of Hazel Delll No.335 is accepting tenders for clay cap on 2 miles of grid road located at the west end of TWP RD 342.
SEALED TENDERS, marked "Road Construction" will be received at the R.M. office or by (email rm335@sasktel .net or fax 306-325-4314) until 4 p.m. on April 15, 2025. The lowest of any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
A summery of work is as follows;
Approximately 2 miles of road construction on TWP 342 between RNG RD 2100 and RNG RD 2093.
Adding two feet of road width for a total of 8 meters minimum standard road construction. and 10 inches to 12 inches of clay cap on road surface, 4:1 slopes.
All clay for road construction is located in feilds directly along north and south side of road construction. Top soil is to be removed and stockpiled and once road is complete it is to be placed back in feilds.
Replacement of 6-7 culverts, 1 @ 900mm x 20m, 1 @ 600mm x 20m, others 300mm - 400mm x 5-6m with couplers, all culverts to be supplied by R.M. of Hazel Dell No.335
Would like construction done between June 1, 2025 to October 31, 2025. A start date and completion date of the project must be stated clearly in tender.
100 yards per mile of course crush gravel to be used to complete the road project, located 30 miles from construction area. All gravel stockpile supplied by R.M. of Hazel Dell No.335. Contractor to load and haul.