Construction Adminstration - Supply and Stockpiling of Aggregate -- RMCP2318

Construction administration including provision of the Site Laboratory and Project Management during Supply and Stockpiling of aggregate in the vicinity of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Warman, Saskatchewan; for a total of four (4) stockpiles as further outlined in the RFP documents.

No additional information for this competition.
Competition Documents:
Amendment Documents:
Award Documents:
Award Details
Prairie Road Solutions Inc.
Jan 05, 2024
 Jan 11, 2024 01:40 PM CST
 Nov 22, 2023 01:00 PM CST
 Dec 06, 2023 02:00 PM CST
Hayder Lateef
Response Address
Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344
111 Pinehouse Drive
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
S7K 5W1
Competition Information
Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344
Construction Adminstration - Supply and Stockpiling of Aggregate
Request for Proposal
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