Radisson Website Redesign and Redevelopment -- Rad2025-01

Invitation to Tender - Radisson Website Redesign and Redevelopment

Synopsis: The Town of Radisson is siiking an established vendor with experience in government website development, design, layout and hosting to manage a complete website redevelopment that includes, but is not limited to the transition of existing content and functionality at www.radisson.ca. The new website should provide users with an easy-to-use intuitive experience, and mobile users with a first-class experience. 

The purpose of this RFP is to hire a qualified website provider to complete the design, reorganization, and redevelopment of the Town of Radisson website www.radisson.ca. The project's scope includes: ongoing hosting, integrating Silversmith Data, optimizing the website's design and navigation capabilities, website layout restructuring, design and templates, new photographs and write ups, direct communication tools with residents, online public notice function, content migration and optimization including recommendations for improved functionality. View example: www.townofkipling.ca. The maximum budget, excluding hosting, is $48,000.00 plus GST only.


Additional Information: All proponets interested in submitting a proposal for the Website Redesign and Redevelopment should register with Ms. Norma Stumborg, CAO by email at: tradisson@sasktel.net. Any questions received, and the associated responses are to be sent to all registered applicants via email. Any question must be asked a minimum of three (3) days before the deadline date of the RFP.

Proponets bidding on the Website Redesign and Redevelopment, must submit their proposals electronically with the subject marked clearly "Website Redesign and Redevelopment", and must be received NO LATER THAN 12:00 P.M. (CST), JANUARY 10TH, 2025. Late receipt of proposal packages will be returned unopened.

Mail bids must be addressed to: Ms. Norma Stumborg, CAO

Email: tradisson@sasktel.net

Subject: Website Redesign and Redevelopment


Competition Documents:
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Added: Dec 20, 2024
 Dec 20, 2024 09:00 AM CST
 Dec 20, 2024 09:00 AM CST
 Jan 10, 2025 12:00 PM CST
Norma Stumborg
Response Address
Town of Radisson
Box 69
Radisson, SK, Canada
Competition Information
Town of Radisson
Radisson Website Redesign and Redevelopment
Invitation to Tender
The Competition detail was successfully retrieved. Dec 30, 2024 11:52 AM CST